Dr. Dan Edgar, B.S., M.A. (x2), Ph.D
No one succeeds on their own. Each of us is, in many ways, the sum of a variety of networks. Family, friends, teachers, clients, and yes, even strangers contribute to our success. So, even if I am the only full-time employee in my organization, there wouldn’t be ME without WE. While I have 35 years of business experience, that’s only because there have been patient, generous folks willing to pay me for my efforts. My supporters have been executives at oil exploration companies, vehicle manufacturers, maternity and psychiatric hospitals, pulp and paper plants, and for the past 24 years, retail automotive dealerships.
Besides life education, I have an undergraduate science degree in math and engineering, two master’s degrees in Leadership and in Human Development, and a Ph.D. in Human & Organizational Development. Earning these degrees required teachers who were knowledgeable and endlessly patient. My doctorate was only possible because of automotive sales people and sales managers who were willing to allow me to conduct hours of research during their work day.
I travel and have travelled roughly six months out of the year for many years now. I also spend hours each week reading the latest research on human and organizational development. Everything I’ve done is made possible by a supportive spouse and family. My wife, Donalda (M.A., R.N.), has had my back for 37 years. Nothing is real without her.
Gordon Edgar, B.A.
I am a multidisciplinary learner who has been working on content writing, editing, and website building for W.D. Edgar & Associates for quite a few years now. The list of topics that do not capture my attention and command my fascination is quite short. However, philosophy of mind, communication theory, and the hard problem of consciousness have been my passion for as long as I can remember.
I have a Bachelor of Arts in what eventually became English, with a minor in Psychology and additional credits invested into Philosophy. One day I hope to compete with my father for post-nominal letter length.
My hobbies include gardening, super careful home renovations, backpacking, fitness, and writing. I am also laboriously gnawing my way through an ever-growing list of books on philosophy, political science, black holes, what even is chemistry(?!), leadership, human development, and the history of everything.
The blog posts you’ll see here represent my best efforts at running the blockade that separates abstractions, concepts, and theories from the daily personal concerns that really matter to each of us.